9414414 Hartnett This U.S.-Brazil Cooperative Science Program award will support a joint workshop on thermal sciences research, hosted by Dr. James P. Hartnett of the Midwest Universities Energy Consortium and Dr. Renato M. Cotta of the Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to be held in Rio de Janeiro in December 1994. The focus of the workshop will be on thermal sciences research and development needs for the 21st Century. The participants will review the current status of US and Brazilian research in thermal sciences, in order to identify areas of special interest and to establish research priorities. Thermal science deals with the flow of fluids and the transfer of heat and mass, which are of vital concern to a broad range of industries and activities on an international scale. Areas of application include petroleum and gas production, power generation, manufacture of chemicals and petrochemicals, paper making, manufacture of metals, food production, and environmental problems. Some key technologies, such as safety of nuclear power stations, energy efficient power systems, production of new materials and development of computer systems are known to depend strongly on the outcome of on-going and future research on thermal sciences. ***