NSF and Brown University will jointly fund the renovation of the Medical Research Laboratory (MRL) for the benefit of researchers in both neuroscience and ecology and evolutionary biology. The building, constructed in 1965, will be renovated to upgrade HVAC and energy systems; to bring hood exhaust, electrical distribution, and fire suppression systems into code compliance; and to replace deteriorated cabinetry, lighting and floors. The renovation will provide a safe, and more functional laboratory environment for faculty and student use. The research activities of the majority of the twelve faculty within the MRL focus on neuroscientific studies including parallel organization through anatomical and physiological studies of the mammalian retina and brain; the source of electrical energy for neuronal function; the physiology of neurons, synapses and transmitters within the neocortex and the patterns of its synaptic connections; the function of ion channels in electrical signaling in the nervous system; molecular neurobiology and neuronal aging. The MRL also provides the environment for research in ecology and evolutionary biology. Faculty and students in this area address questions associated with evolution and population biology of DNA; the interface between ecological and evolutionary processes in natural plant populations; and behavioral ecology and sexual selection. The renovation project will require approximately two years to complete as all the original major building systems will be replaced, and the laboratories will be gutted, reconfigured, and brought up to meet the demands of modern science including the addition of centralized facilities. The end result of this activity will greatly enhance the research possibilities and funding opportunities for faculty and students.