9415223 Haines This award supports a 12-month Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship for Dr. Paul Haines at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Haines will work with Dr. Kei-ichi Maeda in the Department of Physics, on a research project entitled, "Voids in the Thin-Shell Formalism." The research project will use the thin shell formalism of General Relativity to predict peculiar velocities of galaxies near voids in the distribution of galaxies, and then to test these using real data. Dr. Maeda is a leading expert on the thin shell formalism of general relatively and Dr. Haines will work with him to test actual data supplied by the 1.2 Jy IRAS survey. Dr. Haines and Dr. Maeda will study the large scale structure of the universe and will see to what extent the thin shell formalism of general relativity can be used to described the large voids found in the spatial distribution of galaxies. ***