This three-year award will support U.S.-France cooperative research in condensed matter physics between Ivan K. Schuller of the University o California San Diego, and Alain Gilabert of the University of Nice. The objective of their research is to investigate the properties of superconducting layers with an insulating layer between them. They will study the coupling of vortices, using an intervening medium, in order to develop and characterize new superconding devices. The U.S. investigator brings to this collaboration his expertise in sample preparation and growth and characterization of high quality multilayer superconducting and magnetic materials. This is complemented by the French investigator's abilities in theory and experiment. The calculations for the devices and the testing of the new material will occur in France. Studies of superconducting vortices are important to both basic and applied research. This will advance our knowledge of a novel state of matter and could lead to improved performance of superconducting devices in a magnetic field.