9417059 Wapner This award supports the participation of twelve U.S. scientists in a U.S.-Japan seminar on Optimizing Relationships Between Environment and Behavior, to be held at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts from August 8-9, 1995. The co-organizers are Dr. Seymour Wapner of Clark University and Professor Takashi Takahashi of the University of Tokyo. The main purposes of this seminar are to advance cross-cultural collaboration and to provide new opportunities to plan future research that will serve to optimize environment-behavior relationships in the 21st century. Topics to be discussed include: environment-behavior relations for the 21st century; general processes in environment-behavior relations; environment-behavior relations in the city, in families, and in aging. This meeting is the fourth in a series of U.S.-Japan seminars in this field held over a period of 15 years. Although a core of individuals has provided continuity from meeting to meeting, participants in the seminars have changed through the years to reflect an appropriate pairing between U.S. and Japanese participants and the progress of the research. The U.S. participants provide a broad cross section of expertise and geographical representation in the general area of environmental psychology, and were selected on the basis of being the most active researchers in the U.S. Therefore, this proposal fulfills the objectives of the Program in its exchange and transfer of scientific knowledge through an international collaboration. ***