9417260 Sievers This award supports the participation of eight U.S. scientists in a U.S.-Japan seminar on New Far Infrared Sources, Detectors, and Solid State Measurement Techniques, to be held at the University of Tokyo from October 8-13, 1995. The co-organizers are Dr. A. J. Sievers of Cornell University and Professor Keigo Nagasaka of the University of Tokyo. The incoherent synchrotron and coherent transition radiation sources are being explored nearly simaltaneously in both the U.S. and Japan. But some of these sources, such as the free electron laser and optoelectronic laser, are being developed mainly in the U.S. while the tunable soslid state p-Ge laserKey researchers from Japan and the U.S. will be brought together to consider potential uses for Site visits to the Fuji training Center and the Synchrotron-orbital-radiation-ring facility will also part of the agenda. The seminar will foster the type of contact between Japanese and U.S. scientists that can be expected to have significant influence on the future course of the field. The proposed participants and observers have been selected for their past contributions and current activity in the field and the meeting can be expected to produce concrete plans for future cooperation and exchange. Therefore, this proposal fulfills the objectives of the Program in its exchange and transfer of scientific knowledge through an international collaboration. ***