9503506 Connelly This award supports a 24-month Science and Technology Agency of Japan Postdoctoral Fellowship for Dr. J. Christopher Connelly of the Department of Computer Science at Duke University. During his fellowship, Dr. Connelly will be resident at the Electrotechnical Laboratory (ETL) of the Agency of Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) within the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) in Tsukuba, Japan. Dr. Connelly will work with Drs. Satoshi Hirano and Michiharu Tsukamoto of the Distributed Systems Group at the Electrotechnical Laboratory implementing and evaluating various resource and locality management techniques under both simulated and real environments. As a postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Connelly will have the opportunity to become familiar with research techniques and equipment at the ETL while contributing to the overall research effort. ETL has a large number of research machines available for systems work. The Distributed Systems Group also collaborates with Dr. Yuetsu Kodama's computer architecture group and has access to the experimental dataflow machines under development. The availability of these machines will provide Dr. Connelly an opportunity to study implementation issues and gain experience working on real systems. Therefore, this proposal fulfills the objectives of the Program in its exchange and transfer of scientific knowledge through an international collaboration. ***