9503951 Kempf This award supports a 14 month postdoctoral fellowship for Dr. Carl Kempf. This fellowship opportunity will enable Dr. Kempf to undertake a collaborative research effort with Dr. Tadao Inomata of NSK, Ltd. The investigators intend to develop and implement control algorithms for high speed, high precision mechanical systems. Objectives include development of compensators for systems utilizing variable-reluctance, direct-drive electric motors that will reduce step and settle times, increase tracking accuracy, and reduce the effects of friction. Advanced power amplifiers and drive electronics will also be investigated. Results of this research will be applied to high speed, automated wire-bonding equipment and will be relevant for similar devices employed in precision manufacturing. As a postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Kempf will have the opportunity to become familiar with research techniques and equipment at NSF, Ltd. while contributing to the overall research effort. Therefore, this proposal fulfills the objectives of the Program in its exchange and transfer of scientific knowledge through an international collaboration. ***