This international workshop will be held at the University of Cape Town in South Africa from April 24-29, 1995. Researchers from the Carnegie Institute of Washington and the Massachussetts Institute of Technology will meet with their South African colleagues from the University of Cape Town, the University of Witwatersrand and the University of Natal in Pietermaritzburg to disseminate and share research data and ideas on the history of the development and assembly of the continental crust and associated upper mantle that make up the Kaapvaapl Craton of Southern Africa. South Africa is the ideal location to study how continents originate and evolve over time, and the worshop will expose US scientists to the unique research sites in South Africa. The workshop will lead to the submission of collaborative grant proposals among US and South African geologists, geochemists and geophysicists who are interested in the origin and evolution of the ancient lithosphere of Southern Africa.