9511410 Grannis This award provides funds to permit Drs. Paul D. Grannis, Department of Physics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Hugh E. Montgomery, Scientist, Fermilab, and John Peoples, Director, Fermilab, to pursue with Drs. Joo Sang Kang, Department of Physics, Korea University, Sun Kee Kim, Department of Physics, Seoul National University, and Yeong Mouk Park, Department of Physics, Kyeong Seong University, for 24 months, a program of cooperative research on the DO Experiment at the Fermilab antiproton-proton Collider. The DO experiment will study the interactions among fundamental constituents of matter at the highest energy available in the world today, seeking to elucidate the basic structure of matter and forces at the shortest distance scales possible. The DO experiment is a large cooperative project involving many U.S. institutions and scientists from several foreign countries, as well. The PIs hold that the Korean physicists' expertise with particle tracking devices will benefit the DO collaboration in the development of such devices for the DO upgrade. Thus, the collaborative project is beneficial to the U.S. The collaboration in a world class experimental program also will benefit the Korean physicists and strengthen Korea's technical capabilities and infrastructure. This project is relevant to the objectives of the U.S.-Korea Cooperative Science Program which seeks to increase the level of cooperation between U.S. and Korean scientists and engineers through the exchange of scientific information, ideas, skills, and techniques and through collaboration on problems of mutual interest and benefit. The present project adds an international cooperative dimension to the PI's ongoing research under NSF Grant No. PHY-9420671. Korean participation in the project is supported by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF). ***