9512873 Plohr This U.S.-Brazil collaborative research project will develop mathematical models and techniques to study the propagation and noninvasive magnetic detection of electrochemical waves in cardiac tissue and also develop the theory of fundamental solutions of three-phase flow in petroleum reservoirs. Led by Bradley Plohr of SUNY Stony Brook and Dan Marchesin of Instituto de Matematica Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) in Brazil, a group of 6 to 10 U.S. scientists and as many Brazilian scientists will collaborate on these problems. Several graduate students in each country will also be involved in the endeavor. The project is both international and interdisciplinary, bringing together mathematicians, physicists, doctors, and engineers in two countries. Building on established collaborations, new avenues of research including new investigators will be opened. An established emphasis on development of graduate students will also be continued. ***