This three-year award supports ongoing U.S.-U.K. research collaboration in neutron scattering studies of quantum liquids between Paul Sokol of Pennsylvania State University and W. G. Stirling of the University of Keele. The objective of their research is to conduct neutron scattering studies of microscopic statics and dynamics of quantum liquids and solids in a variety of different environments. Energy inelastic, quasi-elastic and elastic neutron scattering techniques will be applied to quantum liquids and solids, particularly liquid helium. The U.S. investigator brings to this collaboration expertise in high energy neutron scattering, spallation sources, and numerical simulations of instrumental resolution. This is complemented by the British investigator's experience in the measurement of collective excitations and with instruments at reactor sources. Measurements will be carried out at neutron scattering facilities in the U.S. and Europe, including the ISIS Spallation Source at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the United Kingdom and the Institut Laue Langevin in France.