Stonehill College, a private undergraduate institution located in Massachusetts, and the National Science Foundation will establish a partnership to renovate research space in the Merkert-Tracy Science Center. Constructed 48 years ago, the building is home to the Departments of Biology and Chemistry and is currently unsuitable to support research efforts pursued by faculty and students in these areas of science. Faculty must relocate experiments and materials to different rooms that impacts negatively on research and research training activities. Existing laboratories are ill-configured, have outdated heating and ventilation systems, and are not compliant with ADA regulations. Renovations will consist of reconfiguring space, upgrading the HVAC system, and installing casework and fume hoods. With redesigned laboratories to support research, faculty will be able to enhance the quality and quantity of research involving the interface of biology and organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, molecular biology, environmental biology and population genetics. Having properly configured laboratories, with adequate climate control and communication lines, will create a natural science community in an environment that is supportive of active, investigative learning. Improving research and training programs in Biology and Chemistry is critical to the success of Stonehill's plan to strengthen the sciences.