Millersville University, located in Lancaster County, PA, is the recipient of ARI funds for the replacement, renovation, and consolidation of research and research training facilities for biology and physics. Current space is not designed for research and training activities and is dispersed in several locations on campus. Despite these conditions faculty and students have actively engaged in independent research projects. The University is committed to improving the research infrastructure on campus and is constructing a new science building. As part of this infrastructure initiative, funds from the ARI Program will be used renovate space in the existing Roddy Science Center to house research focusing on ecology and plant biology, and experimental work in physics emphasizing gas effusion. In addition to reconfiguring space, fixed equipment consisting of fume hoods, growth and environmental chambers, and an autoclave will be installed. This project will enable senior personnel to function as a single unit in one building, thus increasing collegiality, communication and cooperation in all aspects of academic life, especially in research. Renovations will provide for the sharing of instrumentation and facilitate new areas of research that are not feasible with present facilities. Modernized laboratories will comply with ADA and safety codes providing a conducive environment for research scholars to perform investigative work. In addition to providing new research opportunities for all interested in pursuing research, students who never considered science as a career option may be attracted to the field by observing research in progress.