9602962 Rojo This Americas Program award requests support for a collaborative project between Dr. Alberto Rojo, University of Michigan, and Drs. Carlos Balseiro and Jose Lorenzana, Centro Atomico Bariloche, Argentina, to conduct studies on two problems in the area of correlated, disordered condensed matter systems. The two areas to be discussed are the investigation of disordered anisotropic superconductors and non- adiabatic spin-phonon effects. Both of them are problems at the forefront of condensed matter theory. The proposal outlines specific calculations on model Hamiltonians which should shed important insight into the issues. The principal investigators are well regarded condensed matter theorists who have been doing important preliminary work in the past in these areas. They will combine their expertise in this project , the work on disordered superconductors will be done by Drs. Balseiro and Rojo, while the spin-phon problems will be investigated by Drs. Lorenzana and Rojo. ***