This three-year award supports US-France cooperative research on domain decomposition methods for science and engineering problems. The investigators are Charbel Farhat, Jan Mandel, Xiao-Chuan Cai at the University of Colorado, Olof Widlund at New York University, Yvon Maday, Universite Paris Sud and Armel de La Bourdonnaye at the French National Institute for Research in Informatics and Applied Mathematics (INRIA). The investigators will address interdisciplinary computational problems in large-scale structural mechanics, fluid dynamics, electromagnetics, and fluid/structure dynamics. The research involves theoretical and analytical studies on domain decomposition, parallel processing and high performance computing, and technological studies on stress analysis and mechanical vibration of automotive structures, real gas flows at high Mach and Reynolds numbers, and aeroelastic analysis of full configurations. The US and French investigators' backgrounds and skills are complementary. The project takes advantage of French expertise in applied mathematics and engineering and will contribute toward the next generation computational methods and computational mechanics software.