Bower 9605828 This award supports a 24 month Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowship for Dr. John Bower at Hokkaido University, Hakodate, Japan. Dr. Bower will work with Dr. Yasunori Sakurai, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Fisheries, on a research project entitled, "First Feeding and Nutrient Uptake by Para-Larvae of the Squid Todarodes Pacificus." The larvae of many soft-bodied marine invertebrates are apparently capable of absorbing dissolved organic materials directly from sea water to meet nutritional requirements. The proposed research will build upon existing research and examine if hatchling squids of the family Ommastrephidae can transport amino acids from sea water. Hatchlings reared through artificial fertilization will be exposed to radio- labeled substrates in a sea water medium to determine if an increase in radioactivity in the sea water medium occurs. To investigate the relationship between influx and net flux, the uptake of amino acids will be measured by determining the rate of removal of amino acids from solution by high- performance liquid chromatography. In addition, the stomachs of field-caught hatchlings will be examined to identify early prey. At present, rearing ommastrephidae young in captivity is the only way to study early stages of life. A further goal of this research is to develop a method to rear ommastrephidae hatchlings for extended laboratory studies. If successful rearing methods are developed, specific aspects of the early life stages of this commercially important family can then be ascertained. ***