Leonard 9703681 This award supports a 24 month Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Fellowship for Dr. Jill B.K. Leonard at the University of Hokkaido, Abuta, Japan. Dr. Leonard will work with Dr. Hiroshi Ueda, Director of the Toya Lake Station, on a research project entitled, "Direct Determination of the Metabolic Costs of Activity, Including Migration, in Adult Masu and Sockeye Salmon." The proposed research will evaluate the relative metabolic cost of migration in individual adult Masu and Sockeye salmon in a lacustrine model system. The migration process is a common, energetically expensive life-history strategy among animals, and the evolution of migration is linked to their ability to physiologically adapt to a heterogeneous environment. Migratory fish are ecologically and commercially important species that are dependent upon successful migration for survival, but the energetic cost of migration - integral to the evolutionary development of life- history strategies - in adult salmonids relative to oceanic life has not been studied in detail. During the research, animals will be radio-tagged with electromyographic transmitters and the activity levels between non-migratory and migratory periods will be compared. Additionally, biochemical metabolic and hormonal parameters will be measured in order to describe any direct effects of the shift from non-migrant to migrant and the relationship between biochemical changes and changes in activity will be determined. Results of the proposed research will provide the first comprehensive evaluation in a field situation of the energy required for migration relative to non-migratory activity costs on an individual basis in adult salmonids. ***