9704119 Sheaff This U.S.-Mexico award will partially support the 1997 School on Instrumentation in Elementary Particle Physics, to take place at the Instituto de Fisica of the Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico. The funds requested are to provide travel support for students from the U.S. to attend this school/workshop, which will assemble students and researchers from the U.S. and from developing countries in Latin America. Co-organizers of the meeting are Dr. Marleigh Sheaff of the University of Wisconsin and Dr. Gerardo Herrera of the Centro de Investigacion y Estudios Avanzados (CINVESTAV) or the Instituto Tecnico Nacional (IPA) in Mexico City. The School will consist of lecture courses in various state of-the-art instrumentation techniques in current use in experimental particle physics, augmented by laboratory courses designed to demonstrate the material presented. The goal is to encourage increased participation by young physicists from developing countries in elementary particle physics experiments and to encourage future collaborations in experimental elementary particle physics. While the instrumentation techniques to be presented are those currently in use in particle physics, many have wide-ranging applications to medical imaging or to the non-destructive evaluation of materials. ***