The cooperative research program (`Energy and Charge Transfer with Functionalized Phenols-Time-Resolved Photochemical and Radiation Chemical Experiments`) is intended to initiate a collaboration between the Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory (NDRL) and the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Time Resolved Spectroscopy (IAG) at the University of Leipzig. Until now, the two laboratories had been independently using two of the most powerful time-resolved spectroscopic techniques (viz., pulse radiolysis and flash photolysis), but with different detection methods: Fourier Transformed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance at IAG and Raman spectroscopy and conductivity measurements at NRDL. The combination of the unique methodologies along with the IAG's outstanding expertise in the field of sterically hindered phenols and the NDRL's strong background in charge and energy transfer processes promises a significant advancement in the free-radical related chemistry of an important class of chemical compounds.