This U.S.-Czech research project between Larry Kesmodel of Indiana University, Bloomington, and Vladimir Matolin of Charles University, Prague, features examination of model catalysts consisting of small palladium (Pd) particles deposited on a flat support. Under high vacuum, these model systems permit controlled simulation of irregularities that are more highly representative of real catalysts. The researchers intend to use surface science methods to study the metal-support interactions and their influence on the CO adsorption and surface chemistry of hydrocarbons on Pd. New palladium single crystals will be used in interpreting results from the more complex model catalysts. Results should improve our understanding of why the physical and chemical properties of smaller metal particles are size dependent.
This project in analytical and surface chemistry fulfills the program objective of advancing scientific knowledge by enabling leading experts in the United States and Central Europe to combine complementary talents and pool research resources in areas of strong mutual interest and competence.