This award is for support of a cooperative project by a US team headed by Dr. M.Y. Shahin of The US Army Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, in Champaign, Illinois and Dr. Mgady Abdelrahman, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at Zagazig University, in Zagazig, Egypt. The project's objective is to develop superior methods of pavement management in both countries. They plan to exchange information on a recently developed pavement management software called MicroPaver software which was developed by the US Army Corps of Engineers, and is recognized as a valuable tool in effective pavement management and maintenance. Two workshops are planned in Egypt, the first will concentrate on pavement management for roadways, and the second will concentrate on pavement management techniques for airfields.
Scope: This award is for collaboration between two scientists one in the US and one in Egypt, to develop the use of an advanced software program for the management and maintenance of pavement in highways and in airports in Egypt, and possibly later on in other developing countries. This development is beneficial to Egypt as it embarks on a process of economic and demographic expansion which is quite dependent on the availability of good roads and airports. It is also beneficial to the United States since the results will provide test data in physical environments similar to parts of this country, but under social and economic conditions that are similar to many of the countries in which US private construction companies operate. This proposal meets the INT objective of enhancing US-foreign collaboration in areas that benefit both sides. This project is being supported under the US-Egypt Joint Fund Program, which provides grants to scientists and engineers in both countries to carry out these cooperative activities.