This award will contribute funds to the US-Mexico Foundation for Science (USMXFS) in order to build up an endowment, income from which will be used to identify significant opportunities for cooperation in science and technology involving researchers from both countries in areas of common interest. The US-Mexico Foundation for Science is a bilateral, non-governmental organization established in 1991 to bring about closer ties in science and technology between the United States and Mexico.
The USMXFS, with the support of advisory groups of experts from the scientific, government, and business communities of both countries, will organize workshops, conferences, studies, and exchanges of scientists and engineers in order to define the scope and content of binational science and technology projects and activities. Those projects will compete for funds other than the endowment, derived from US and Mexican sources. It is also the intent of the USMXFS to play a catalytic role in bringing together participants from different mission agencies and levels of government, scientific organizations, institutions of higher learning, and the private sector from both countries, to work together on shared problems, avoiding the duplication of cooperative activities already underway between the two countries or those that could be done by specialized institutions of each country. ***