This three-year award for US-France cooperative research in high performance computing involves Jean-Luc Gaudiot of the University of Southern California, Guang Gao of the University of Delaware and Christine Eisenbeis at the French National Institute for Research in Informatics and Applied Mathematics (INRIA) at Rocquencourt. The objective of their research is simulation of multithreaded multiprocessors for high performance computing. The project adds an international dimension to an active NSF grant on functional programming of multithreaded systems. The US-France collaboration focuses on simulation. The investigators propose to specify, design and implement a trace simulator and to identify the sources of parallelism within a computer program.
The US investigators bring to this collaboration expertise in processor architecture design, multithreaded architecture design and application. This is complemented by French expertise in parallel compilation, code analysis and optimization. The research addresses the development of more efficient memory for large-scale parallel scientific computing.