This award is to the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to support the activity described below for 24 months. The proposal was submitted in response to the Partnerships for Innovation Program Solicitation (NSF 0082).
Partners The partners for this award include the University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Massachusetts Ventures Corporation; Springfield Technical Community College; Economic Development Council of Western Massachusetts; Kollmorgen Aerospace and Defense Group; Rexam Image Products; Western Massachusetts Electric Company; Western Massachusetts Software Company; Mass Ventures Equity Fund; National Collegiate Innovators and Inventors Association.
Proposed Activities The activities for this award include: establishment of enabling innovation networks; technology exchange; entrepreneurship activities; commercialization; workforce development; capitalization on the strengths in research in polymer science, computer science, chemical engineering, environmental technology, and electrical engineering at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to integrate research and education and transfer technology.
Proposed Innovation The innovation goals for the award are to capitalize on the strong intellectual output from the University of Massachusetts to start new economic activities in western Massachusetts, which has not benefited from the economic well being of the eastern part of the state and to establish new businesses in telecommunications, and manufacturing.
Potential Economic Impact The potential economic outcome includes formation and fostering of early stage companies; to establish a collaborative infrastructure to help isolated companies; to increase public and private investment in targeted areas.
Potential Societal Impact The potential benefits to society include creation of new wealth through creation of new companies and new jobs, training of a technologically literate workforce with higher paying job opportunities.