This award is to the University of Pennsylvania to support the activity described below for 36 months. The proposal was submitted in response to the Partnerships for Innovation Program Solicitation (NSF 0179).
Partners The partners in this effort are the University of Pennsylvania (Lead Institution), Drexel University, the Collegiate Consortium, HUBS (Hospitals, Universities, Businesses, Schools), MAGPI (Metropolitan Area GifaPop in Philadelphia for Internet2), Bucks County Community College, Delaware County CC, Montgomery County CC, the CC of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, Camden County CC in New Jersey, Delaware Technical CC in Delaware, Hartford CC in Maryland, SAIC through HUBS, Centocor, Cephalon, Sunthes, Life Sensors, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and Ben Franklin Technology Partners.
Proposed Activities This proposal presents a partnership or academic, non-profit and corporate partners in the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland region to provide the infrastructure, curriculum development, teacher training and curriculum implementation for Associates Degree programs in nano- and nano-bio-technology. The proposal includes the building of an infrastructure that will leverage the power of high bandwidth communications for regional virtual classrooms and telexperimentation. The program also includes outreach to high schools in the region.
Proposed Innovation The proposal centers on the need for a technically skilled workforce, if the region is to achieve its full economic potential in the technology-rich pharmaceutical, life science and advanced chemical sectors. The companies in these technology sectors will need workers from PhDs to technicians to enable growth and economic well-being. The partners propose a coordinated effort in tech-based outreach for education and training, especially at the associates degree level. Approaches included are internet portal and collaboration groupware to support dynamic formation of research teams and virtual classrooms, distance learning, tele-experimentation with remote participation in experiments via near-real-time digital images of scientific instruments, high-bandwidth communication through Internet 2 for video-conferencing.
Potential Economic Impact Partnerships with universities, community colleges, the private sector, and regional government are needed to provide the workforce education/training from associate degree through PhD degrees will provide the workforce needed to attract and retain high-tech industry in pharmaceuticals, advanced chemical, and life sciences to the four-state region.
Potential Societal Impact Currently a significantly lower percentage of the high school graduates in the region receive education beyond high school than for Silicon Valley. The region needs a highly-trained workforce to attract and retain industry for high paying jobs. The young people in the region now have to accept low-paying jobs or relocate. This integrated effort will provide the training and the jobs needed to change that.