This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I propose to combine the technologies of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) manufacture with strain-inducing wafer bonding to produce Strained-Si On Insulator (SSOI) wafers. Silicon-based devices with silicon/germanium (Si/Ge) heterostructures have been extensively researched and this has lead to the discovery that tensile strained silicon exhibits superior electronic properties. Bi axially strained-silicon devices are currently strained via expensive which is a highly technical heterostructure fabrication process. Tensile strain can be introduced by growing silicon pseudomorphically on to a lattice of larger unit cell, usually an alloy of Ge/Si. In this work, it is hoped that by optimizing Strained-Silicon-on-Insulator will increase carrier mobilities by more than 3 times
The anticipated benefits of this technology would yield ultra-fast, mainstream silicon-based electronics, which would effectively be new host materials with speed, and performance would surpass Gallium Arsenate (GaAs). The multi-billion dollar chips industry would benefit would benefit by reducing the costs for a new plant to design technology.