This Small Business Innovation (SBIR) Phase I research project addresses fundamental issues in the development of human-in-the-loop (HIL) systems for the manufacture of precision microsystem components. Invenios Incorporated, in conjunction with faculty at Johns Hopkins University, proposes to leverage existing NSF-funded research on human-machine collaborative systems (HMCS) in the microsurgical arena to create a generic, yet flexible, microsystem assembly platform (Platform). Invenios/JHU collaboration will build a versatile, HMCS-based microassembly platform and evaluate its performance on three distinctly different micromanipulation tasks: Sub-Micron Optical Alignment, Micro-Mechanical Assembly, and Microsurgery. The goal is to show that a single, common abstract task representation and related graphical user interface can be used to provide significant productivity improvements on all three tasks. If successful, this innovation will lead to the commercialization of a simple and cost-effective Platform that will stimulate on-shore production of components requiring meso- and nanoscale precision and dexterity.

The project directly broadens and extends the impact of the work already done in the microsurgical arena at JHU within the NSF-sponsored Engineering Center for Computer-Integrated Surgical Systems and Technology (CISST). In additional, the JHU/Invenios HMCS platform will be donated to JHU at the conclusion of the Phase I research, enabling this platform to be used by students and researchers to promote education and to extend the research and discoveries into new areas. Through this association with the ERC-CISST, the proposed project will have broad exposure to underrepresented groups and will enhance the educational infrastructure. Finally, by improving the productivity of entry-level workers, the research will ultimately mitigate the need for manufacturers to move operations offshore-again promoting participation of recent immigrants who, in large part, are the labor supply for the microsystem component manufacturers.

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Picosys, Inc.
United States
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