This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project explores the development of a catalytically active filtration device for the reduction of particulates and carbon monoxide in reformate or syngas. It is generally recognized that significant improvements in the performance of water gas shift catalysts would greatly reduce the cost of producing hydrogen from hydrocarbon feedstocks. A novel water gas shift catalytic system, with the additional capability to remove particulates that may be generated during reforming of solid and liquid fuels, will be synthesized, characterized and demonstrated.
The proposed technology will be particularly well-suited to reducing the cost of hydrogen production via coal gasification, biomass gasification, diesel reforming and gasoline reforming, but can also be applied to natural gas steam reforming process improvements. Successful application of the proposed technology will lower the cost of producing hydrogen, thereby reducing fuel, fertilizer and refined metal costs. Simplified production of hydrogen will also facilitate the commercial use of fuel cells, which will reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions.