This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project evaluates the advantages of a Flexible Fuel Reformer (FFR) for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) that employs unique mechanical construction and operation to enable extended catalyst life in the presence of coke and sulfur. Phase I research activities will measure and model basic functional parameters such as pressure drop, flow distribution, heat transfer, temperature distribution, reaction kinetics, and catalyst deactivation and regeneration rates as they relate to hydrogen production. This simple reaction model will be extended to a transient behavior model that will predict the commercial feasibility of the reformer concept.
The FFR will be able to operate with a variety of liquid fuels such as gasoline and diesel fuel. Because it will be made in modular form it will be easily sized to produce hydrogen for fuel cells which generate anywhere from 5kW-50kW of power. The FFR will be the first compact, lightweight, economical reformer able to provide a steady supply of hydrogen using distillate fuel. This capability will result in widespread commercial application.