This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I Project seeks to develop an innovative method for removing resist from semiconductor wafers. The Microcavitation Resist Remover will help enable the low-k integration critical to the next generation of faster chips. Microcavitation will be a mechanical removal process influenced by the mechanical properties of fracture rather than the chemical constitution of the resist.
Resist stripping is a growing $3.7B market. The proposed Microcavitation Resist Remover and wafer cleaner succesfully overcomes a critical technological barrier facing the IC manufacturing industry today. Beyond the IC manufacturing industy, the Microcavitation Resist Remover will be critical in all areas where thin film removal is critical e.g., MEMS, PCB, optics, automotive (paint removal), and aerospace. More broadly, it will be an enabling technology for use in thin film processing. Microcavitation is a chemical free, environmentally friendly technology.