The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will develop a Technology Assessment and Readiness Analysis System (TARAS), an intelligent inference toolset that utilizes novel semantic-based information technologies to link information from disparate sources. The information will be analyzed to identify expertise and core competencies of individuals and manufacturing enterprises in order to provide technology planners and researchers a full visibility of potential resources and expertise.
Technology managers and others in the research and development community will benefit from this decision making support system through greater visibility of potential solutions and the identification of optimum strategies to meet their organization's technology requirements. This project will develop a prototype decision making toolset to create a more complete view of potential solutions, collaborative opportunities, and expertise than is currently provided by available information resources. Current information resources typically focus on general directory and product-centered information. However, linking personnel, facility, product, and capability data in order to create a composite profile that can be used to locate expertise would provide an important view. This project will also pilot the automated assignment of Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) to provide additional information as to the maturity level of technology solutions.