This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will develop and commercialize silicon carbide (SiC) based radio frequency (RF) transmitters for high-temperature environments. The team will prove the feasibility of the concept and design through the successful demonstration of a SiC RF transmitter operating in excess of 450 degrees C. The electrical design for the RF transmitter will be developed, functionality of the design will be proven through low temperature silicon equivalent hardware and testing, critical high-temperature packaging issues will be investigated, and finally the SiC RF transmitter hardware will be fabricated and tested at 450 degrees C.
If successful high-temperature transmitters will be key player in the power generation market as well as in the aerospace communities for use in jet turbines and rocket engines. This technology will also be a significant player in the automotive industry. The costs savings through improved performance and fuel savings could realistically exceed beyond hundreds of millions, or even billions of dollars.