High-performance computing (HPC) has come to the forefront as a dominant field of technology for the advancement of science and commerce. The Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for High Performance Reconfigurable Computing at the University of Florida will investigate, develop, and evaluate new concepts, methods, infrastructure, and tools in reconfigurable HPC, from building-block devices to infrastructure to applications, and advance these technologies through research and education for the benefit of Center members, students, and the discipline at large.
A broad range of key accomplishments were achieved in CHREC during its first phase of operations. One key measure is scholarship. The UF and GWU sites respectively published 59 and 15 scholarly research papers on CHREC research in leading journals and conferences, with 110 published center-wide. A table of publications and students graduated by year is included below. A second key measure is graduations of graduate students. The UF and GWU sites have graduated 6 and 4 doctoral students respectively in their first phase of operations, with 17 center-wide. Moreover, the UF and GWU sites have graduated 48 and 3 M.S. students respectively, with 76 center-wide. Many of these 93 successful CHREC students have followed their graduations by pursuing careers with CHREC industry (corporate and government) members. A third key measure is research tools output, where the center was also highly successful. In 2011, 30 new research tools are cited on the CHREC web site and made available to members and in a few cases (approved by the IAB) tools are available publicly. These publications, graduated Ph.D. and M.S. students, and tools, as well as related codes, datasets, semi-annual workshop presentations, and much more, have provided and achieved a large wealth of technology transfer from the CHREC schools to the CHREC members and the field at large.