This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will examine the feasibility of a novel synthesis process for the creation of a composite hydrophobic nano-photocatalyst. The innovation is expected to allow enhanced volatile organic chemicals (VOC) and organic pollutant adsorptions in either air or liquid mediums. The development of a commercial composite hydrophobic photocatalyst with nanostructured architecture for enhanced efficiency is a competitive advantage not enjoyed by any current commercial photocatalysts. The robustness and flexibility of the proposed synthesis process will allow the utilization of the enhanced photocatalysts in a variety of commercial and residential facilities in a granular powder format as well as in the form of high quality coatings.
The broader impact/commercial potential from the technology will be a precision sol-gel process for the synthesis of a super-hydrophobic, translucent, high surface area, antimicrobial, adsorbent composite nanophotocatalyst in an aerogel form. This process will present a major competitive advantage in the air and water organic pollutant remediation markets and will provide an economical solution.