This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project aims to develop novel biodegradable aliphatic polycarbonates using carbon dioxide as a feedstock. This research will lead to the development of biodegradable polymers that are not derived solely from petrochemicals, energy intensive fermentations, or food-based feedstocks. Currently available biodegradable polymers rely on food-based feedstocks, resulting in unintended economical (rising food costs) and environmental (greater carbon emissions) consequences. Using an innovative catalyst system, Novomer will synthesize several polymer compositions and architectures from readily available epoxides and CO2. The resulting polymers will be cast into films then evaluated for biodegradability.
The broader impacts/commercial potential of this project may be revolutionary in the plastics industry by producing environmentally-friendly polymers. The proposed materials will reduce the use of petrochemicals in plastics production, reduce the use of non-biodegradable polymers, and will recycle CO2 by-products from energy production and other sources. Commercially, the efficient catalyst technology will make biodegradable polymers in a cost-effective alternative to polymers derived solely from petrochemicals, thus opening up new markets for environmentally-friendly polymers.