0855846 Case Western Reserve University; David Schwam 0856012 University of Michigan; Arvind Atreya
Case Western Reserve University (lead institution) and the University of Michigan propose a planning grant for a collaborative center focusing on a range of topics including combustion, melting technologies and advanced methods of waste heat recovery. The main research thrust of the proposed Center will be to develop methods, materials and equipment for waste heat recovery from process heating. While both universities have a well-established reputation in the proposed area of activity, their capabilities are to a large extent complementary rather than overlapping. UM is a leader in combustion research while CWRU is prominent in materials processing and process heating research.
The proposed Center has the potential to improve sustainability and profitability of US manufacturing by developing new technologies that will reduce energy consumption and pollution. Emphasis will be placed on partnering with industry, other academic institutions and the national laboratories to establish and carry out long-term research programs for achieving its objectives. CWRU and UM undergraduate and graduate students will play a key role in the activities of the Center. A pivotal role in dissemination of the results will be played by professional associations including American Foundry Society, Forging Industry Association and others.