This SBIR Phase I project will develop an advanced state-of-the-art perchlorate remediation technology by using magnetic nanoparticles functionalized with selective perchlorate ion-receptors. Ion exchange, which is the most widely used technology for treating water containing less than 100ppb of perchlorate, has the drawback of needing frequest regeneration or disposal of the perchlorate-laden resins. This project will investigate the feasibility of using functionalized magnetic nanoparticles with certain specific anion receptors to selectively bind CIO4.
The broader/commercial impacts of the proposed project will be the removal of perchlorate contamination from drinking water sources. EPA estimates that about 90% of the perchlorate manufactured in the U.S. is used by the military or NASA. Perchlorate contamination has been detected in over 350 drinking water sources in California alone. Perchlorate cleanup in the U.S. is estimated to cost over $300 million. A cost-effective and environmentally acceptable technology could focus on some market share of the estimated $60 million market for perchlorate removal.