The Center for Freeform Optics (CeFO) is a partnership between the University of Rochester (UR) and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte). CeFO is advancing research and education in the science, engineering, and applications of freeform optics through dedicated, long-term partnerships with industry and government laboratories. CeFO is motivated by the need for compact, affordable, high-performance optical systems to support the precision technologies of the 21st century.
Freeform optics specifically enables compact optical solutions for complex light mapping as well as folding optical systems in three-dimensions. Applications with immediate benefit include 3-D imaging and visualization, augmented and virtual reality, infrared and military optical systems, efficient automotive and LED lighting, energy research, remote sensing, semiconductor manufacturing and inspection, and medical and assistive technologies. CeFO enables freeform optics to permeate the marketplace through integration of fundamental and applied research and significant advances in design, fabrication, and testing.
CeFO creates a fertile, dynamic, inclusive multidisciplinary environment to move this technology to the forefront. The partner universities are dedicated to the recruitment and retention of women and students from underrepresented groups (i.e. 34% underrepresented students in CeFO in Spring 2017) to create a diverse and skilled workforce for the 21st century.
The Center for Freeform Optics (CeFO) vertically integrates mathematics, materials science, optical science, optical instrument design, optomechanics, and precision optical manufacturing, measurement, and testing to transform the optics industry in the 21st century. CeFO constitutes a unique research environment combining the strengths of two world class research universities with specialized experiences, insights, and interdisciplinary talents for designing, building and measuring advanced optical systems. The University of Rochester's expertise in?optical theory, design, and metrology?complements UNC Charlotte's excellence in?fabrication, metrology and precision opto-mechanical design. Research topics of immediate interest to industry include the mathematical description of freeform surfaces, the quantification of mid-spatial frequency errors on optical performance, and wave-based modeling of freeform systems and new bases for 3D optical design. Additional challenges include use of difficult optical materials, characterization and elimination of mid-spatial frequency errors, volume manufacturing (e.g. replication, molding, 3D printing), and advanced metrology for freeform surfaces. Freeform optical systems will enable innovation in sensing, imaging, visualization and diagnostic instrumentation by directing light in 3D. The partner Universities demonstrate excellent records in recruiting women and minority students (>30% of graduate students in the program). Students work with CeFO industrial members to communicate and transfer key enabling technologies.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.