The objective of this project is to investigate the technical feasibility of applying an electrochemical process to the in situ dehalogenation of hazardous substances in soils contaminated by halogenated organic substances that leak from hazardous waste containment sites or enter groundwater as a consequence of accidental spills while substances are in transit. In this project, halogenated organic substances will be subjected to an electrochemical process that will cause their dehalogenation. This will be done in the presence solvents which, if effective, would make it technically possible to remove the dehalogenated substances from soil contaminated by them. A process to destroy halogenated hazardous wastes in soils which is reliable, does not permit release of possibly hazardous wastes, does not use reactive chemicals, and its low cost will have immediate application by both government and industry to clean-up landfills and soils contaminated by leaks or spills. The proposal leading to this Phase I award was submitted and evaluated in accord with NSF 87-8, NSF Program Solicitation, Small Business Innovation Research.