Coordinate Measurement Machines (CMM) and more recently, Optical Coordinate Measuring Machines (OCCM) are gaining rapid acceptance in U.S. industry, particularly the automotive industry, because of its high-speed capability of dimensional measurement. If properly applied, CMM, and OCMMs can be used to dramatically improve product quality by enabling accurate and inexpensive 100% in-process measurement and continuously monitoring the manufacturing processes thus providing a way to process improvement. This is an essential step in retaining U.S. competitiveness in the world. The need for such a center was evidenced by the industrial support generated during the planning grant phase (ECD 9015282) of the center development. Today there are over 100 different companies marketing these systems in the U.S. and over the next decade the annual sales should exceed $1.2 billion. The Industry/University Cooperative Research Center on Coordinate Measuring Machines and Optical Coordinate Measuring Machines at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor will perform research on the use and application of CMMs and OCCMs in improving quality of products, particularly those related to the automotive industry. The Program Manager recommends that the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor be awarded $50,000 for the first year of a five year continuing grant. Near the end of each twelve month period, the Program Manager and/or the Directors of the Engineering Centers Division reviews the progress of the center on a number of renewal criteria, including the following: (1) extent to which the Industry/University interaction and collaboration is developing; (2) extent to which the support base for the center is expanding; (3) extent to which a robust research program is developing. If the review is satisfactory, the Program Manager will recommend support of the next period of this continuing grant.