Crystalline materials are expensive, hard and brittle and slicing these crystals into thin wafers present unique manufacturing challenges. To meet industry's economic and engineering requirements larger crystals are being produced that cause greater challenges. Current slicing tools follow standards adopted over 20 years ago. With the introduction of larger crystals these tools have been made larger (and thicker) without recognizing the benefits of utilizing new, high strength advanced composite materials. The P.I. propose research on a new family of cutters for slicing crystals, made from advanced composite materials, that are thinner and lighter and are capable of higher processing speeds. These cutters will provide industry with a new and efficient means of slicing even larger crystals. This new slicing system will be more cost effective with less material waste. The P.I. also propose research on a unique processing technique, of composite materials, that will provide industry with the capability to significantly improve quality of composite products.