9312534 Bean This three-year continuing award is augmenting the basic research program of Lehigh University's Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Innovation Management Studies. This funding is provided under the "Self-Sufficient Partnership for Research" Program. The Center continues to meet the renewal criteria requirements of the Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Program. Funding for an evaluator to study the industry/university interaction occurring in the Center is part of the three-year continuing award. Additional funding is provided for a woman undergraduate to augment the Center's research program. She will study "Technology Transfer in the Construction Industry." A woman Professor from Brandeis University is being funded as a Research Opportunity Award (ROA) to study "Downsizing Industrial R&D: Effects on the Work Environment for Creativity and Innovation." The U.S. Department of Energy's Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Office is providing funds to obtain a non-voting membership in the Center. The Program Manager recommends Lehigh University be awarded: $28,000 for the first year of a three-year continuing award (includes $8,000 for the evaluator); $4,000 for one year for a woman undergraduate student; $20,006 for one year for a ROA to Brandeis University; and $10,000 for one year with funds provided by the U.S. Department of Energy. Near the end of each 12-month period, the Program Manager and/or the Division Director of the Engineering Education Center Division will review the progress of the Center on a number of renewal criteria requirements, including the following: 1) the extent to which the industry/university is developing; 2) the extent to which the support base is developing; and 3) the extent to which a robust research program is developing. If the review is satisfactory, the Program Manager will recommend support for the next period of this continuing award.