9317935 Callahan The ocean technologies have significant economic and scientific impact on our nation. A planning grant to the University of Rhode Island (EEC-9222523) has helped generate sufficient industrial support to meet the criteria required to form an Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Ocean Technologies. The Center's research agenda will focus on environmental monitoring systems, equipment testing and acoustics and ocean mapping. The Principal Investigator and colleagues are internationally recognized scientists who have the resources and capability to run this Center. This Center has been coordinated with Norman Caplan, Program Manager, Ocean Engineering Systems, Division of Biological and Critical Systems at NSF. Additional funding is provided by the U.S. Department of Navy to augment ongoing research and to obtain a membership in the Center. The Program Manager recommends the University of Rhode Island be awarded $50,000 for the first year of a five-year continuing award. An additional $25,000 is recommended for one year with funds provided by the U.S. Department of Navy. Near the end of each 12-month period, the Program Manager and/or the Division Director of the Engineering Education Centers Division will review the progress of the Center on a number of renewal criteria requirements, including the following: 1) the extent to which the university/industry interaction is developing; 2) the extent to which the support base is developing and 3) the extent to which a robust research program is developing. If the review is satisfactory, the Program Manager will recommend support for the next period of this continuing award.