9419520 Ku The Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Ultra High- Speed Integrated Circuits and Systems is a multi-site Center with the University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University. The Center research addresses critical issues in the design and fabrication of ultra high-speed circuits for communications and digital processing systems. The Center continues to meet the renewal criteria of the Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Program. This award provides funding for one year to the University of California, San Diego under the "Self-Sufficient Partnership for Research" Program. Additional funding is provided by the U.S. Department of Navy (NCCOSC) to augment the Centers ongoing research program and to obtain a membership in the Center. The Program Manager recommends the University of California, San Diego be awarded $50,000 for one year. An additional $24,609 is recommended for one year with funds provided by the U.S. Department of Navy (NCCOSC).