This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project is concerned with the research and development of a hand-held biosensor based on immunoassay principles. Currently available immunoassay methodologies require sophisticated equipment and trained laboratory personnel, and can take up to six hours to complete. Hawaii Biotechnology Group, Inc. proposes to develop a simple device which can be used in locations ranging from a sophisticated laboratory to `in the field`. The assay system will be based on standard ELISA technology performed in a capillary tube, followed by electrochemical analysis. Capillary modification, immunoreagent generation, and detection methodology will be demonstrated. Further refinements of the device such as prefilter construction are expected to increase the specificity of the device. Optimization of the various components, will be pursued. As a result of the dimensions of the capillaries used, low level detection is expected. The total assay time is expected to take 30 minutes and be performed in a semi-automated fashion. For commercial reasons we are targeting dengue viral diagnostics as our initial device.