The recent emergence of high performance massively parallel processing (MPP) computers has theoretically reduced the computer time required for the design and analysis of systems involving fluid flow using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). However, in practice, algorithms used in MPP today were developed for sequential computers and therefore do not harness the full power of massively parallel processing. Also, MPP computers have not simplified the structured grid generation process, which may take weeks for complex configurations. Amtec proposes to develop a new algorithm for computational fluid dynamics to harness the power of MPP. The research will focus on techniques for solving the Navier-Stokes equations on MPP computers using hybrid structured/unstructured finite-volume meshes. The structured grids will be used to resolve boundary layers near walls and unstructured grids will be used to discretize the remainder of the flow field. During phase I, a recently developed implicit procedure for 2D hybrid grids will be improved and parallelized using a novel domain decomposition technique. The new solution procedure will simplify the grid generation process by using hybrid grids, and reduce the computer time required by efficiently using MPP computers.