EEC-9523373 McLaren Packing of products must be controlled and reduced to minimize its impact upon land fills. Similarly resource recovery must be improved for the same reason. The nation's land fills are filling up and the current operations are not feasible for the future. A new Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Packaging and Resource Recovery at Rutgers University is being established to address these problems. Eleven companies have become members of the new Center. The research of the new Center will address the following: 1) Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing; 2) Micro-disperse, Immiscible Polymer Mixtures in Post Consumer Commingled Plastics; and 3) Gaseous Degredation of Polyolefins; 4) A Feasibility Study of Recycled Commingled Plastics; 5) Resource Recovery Technologies; and 6) Economic and Thermodynamic Viability of Refined Commingled Plastics. The Center has been coordinated with Farley Fisher in the Division of Chemical and Thermal Systems.