ABSTRACT EEC 9523574 Cheng This is a "TIE" project between the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Center (ACRC) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Center for Engineering Tribology at Northwestern University. The objective of this research is to examine both analytically and experimentally the seizure process of an aluminum/steel tribocontact. The experimental portion of this research study will be conducted at the University of Illinois while the analytical portion of the study will be conducted Northwestern University. This "TIE" project between the ACRC at Illinois and the Tribology Center at Northwestern combines the strengths of these two centers to research a very relevant problem important to a number of industries: air conditioning and refrigeration, automotive, and aerospace. Additionally, this research may provide additional insight on the qualitative nature of the wear and material transfer process in the Aluminum/Steel contact.