This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project targets the creation of enhanced strains of algae for the production of stable isotope biochemicals. Tools developed in the project can then be extended to generate improved algal strains for manufacturing vitamins, oils, fuels, foods, and pharmaceuticals. Phycotechnology, the application of biotechnology to improve algae-based systems, has great potential but is still in its infancy. This research will make it possible to develop new strains of algae of commercial interest that cannot be produced by standard genetic crosses. The feasibility of making hybrid algae strains that maintain the combined properties of the two parental strains that would not otherwise hybridize will be demonstrated. The technology developed here to produce new strains of commercial algae will be applied to lower the costs of production for algal derived stable isotopes and increase the variety of economically feasible compounds. Also, the enhanced strains will be licensed to industry and academia for use in aquaculture, energy production, nutritional supplements and elsewhere.